Thursday, 15 December 2011
Christmas Wish animation
Hope you all have a merry Christmas and please watch one of my old animated creations.
If you chose to watch it from youtube then you can check out my other animations.
Friday, 2 December 2011
Skyrim secret discovered
I know its really amazing that we would never of known about the map looking kike a lion upside down but i sure does.
I am currently level 4 and just recovered some tablet after finding a claw and when i finaly returned to hand in quest i was granted rights to buy the property! but at a hefty price.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Strange collision in Skegness
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Roman Bank Crash |
At a very simple road crossing point next to the popular ship pub where Burgh Road meets Roman bank there appears to be a very strange Crash where a big van seems to have flip sideways and end up facing the car leaving the drivers section completely UN disturbed. and yet this van sits calmly on the bonnet,
This caused a huge diversion of Traffic that went on for many hours and causing the Number 6 bus from Lincoln to Skegness to be diverted down Lindurst Road.
I don't know the cause of the crash but have an idea.
This car must have smacked into the van at some speed and this knocked over the van onto its side and the continuing force from the impact made the van wheel face upwards for a split second.. enough just for the Cars bonnet to slip under the van.. leaving this strange result.
I don't know anything as the police were keeping public away in order to not spark anything to the press. But i saw many people come take snap shots of the scene regardless of the police ording a stop taking photos rule.
As freely walking citizens taking photos and sharing the local news is important because we need to know whats going on around us.. Because we need to be aware of things like this so it can help people in the future.
So please don't say i should not have taken these images and shared them.
The crash caused me delays to getting where i needed to be so why should i not take photo proof as i go by.
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Strange spooky true story
Hello my friends and fellow blogger i decided that as we have just had Halloween that i should share a true spooky ghost story that is of my own and may leave you with hairs standing on ya necks.
In the 90s i lived at Palin street in Nottingham where i lived with my mum and dad and brothers and sisters.
And when mum and dad was at the pub we messed about doing spiritual stuff manly for fun and one evening i sat back in a chair and called out to the spirits saying is there anybody there.
Soon enough a few calls and i felt over whelmed and the feeling some body wanted to talk through me.
The entity that spoke only said fire.. there is a fire.. my eyes were running with tears because i didn't expect anything to happen.
I then went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and there was a fire in the Kitchen and my next door neighbour helped me put out the fire and it was then we felt the experience a few minutes even more daunting.
About 1 year later My mum and dad and the family were watching soaps on TV when we heard 2 glass explosions in the Kitchen.
Tow blue glass mugs were scattered all over the kitchen top and floor.
Its easy to dismiss a single mug popping but 2 completely different mugs! Now that i am sure is not normal.
I was looking through some old picture a few days ago and found a picture of the scene to share with you on here.
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strange exploded mugs |
Monday, 17 October 2011
Thankyou for helping reach 10,000 visitors to my blog since May
If you would like to Checkout my Dreams blog and see what other amazing things i really write about the Click on Stories of our Dreams
Also if you notice the little planet in the right side panel you can click it to see where all my visitors come from and even see the counter so you can see how many i have had.
Also i have my own youtube Channel so click on the youtube sign on the right side of this blog or Click Here
Friday, 14 October 2011
Real Steel (Best movie in over 20 years)
This is the best movie that i can say and mean. Its the dam good movie of such emence quality from acting to very realistic effects. Its almost like its real and the robots are breath taking.
Just pure blissful brillience.
Don't wait for it to come out on Blue Ray or DVD. Watch this film on the big screen.
It is a true to life movie with really well writen dialouge that will leave you and your family really knocked back.
This is the first movie to ever reach me emotionaly since ET back at the beginning of the 80s.
This is a movie that would sure claim a golden historical mark in movie making.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Butlins gets a Monorail !
Monorail is the Future as Quoted in the video above. and people will be giving up there cars.
Yep in this Future that we are in, i have already forgot what a car is, since Monorails came along its changed every thing!
This is my 1st choice of travel because, Monorail is the Future as Quoted in the video above. I don't trust the Teleportation booths that are jotted about the town.
Now back to reality.. This Monorail went down years ago for some Health and safety excuse.
If so why is there still only one monorail in England? This can be found at Alton Towers.
It is the free ride from the Car park to the entrance gates where people buy their tickets.
Monday, 10 October 2011
Here is my Bargain Hunt of the week
German Smoking man opened |
German Smoking man |
Western German Perfume Bottle |
Look at the amazing little tapestry that is on all sides of bottle. |
Made in Bavaria Western Germany |
All i can say about this bottle is that it show signs of tiddly attention to detail as some body really gave it a wonderful all around creative finish. If any body else has any of what you see on here then please let me know and we can see if these are desired items! Maybe this bottle would look well nice on a womans dresser.
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Elenin passes our sun without any alarm
There was no Darkness from Elenin 26th of September 2011 for 3 days.
even with this jpl map of our cycle its been brought to my attention that Elenin is only 3 miles wides.
And the JPL did not supply that extra information needed, and this would have made the public's judgments a lot more clear.
So taking that into account of Elenins size, It would be like calling it the size of a particle of icing sugar
look at this image :
I recommend that you take a look at This site here you can then view the dates as you please.
We may however get some of Elenins tail later on in the cycle.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Autumn Heatwave and more to come
As you can see... The UK is going through strange weather for this time of year.
Things are starting to take shape in giving us an idea of what may lay for us in the future.
Strange events seem to tie together and often leading us to a theory that our climate is going through a change that may change our lives forever.
Below is a Report that i collected from BBC site:
The UK Met Office says the current hot weather is likely to remain until
the middle of next week with temperatures set to climb even higher.
According to forecasters and as expected, many parts of the UK will have warm sunshine for the last few days of September and the start of October with temperatures climbing to nudge 28°C.
Many places can expect unbroken sunshine for the rest of this week, with temperatures well above average for the time of year.
According to forecasters and as expected, many parts of the UK will have warm sunshine for the last few days of September and the start of October with temperatures climbing to nudge 28°C.
Many places can expect unbroken sunshine for the rest of this week, with temperatures well above average for the time of year.
Paul Gundersen, Met Office Deputy Chief Forecaster, said: "Warm southerly winds will bring a spell of fine, sunny autumn weather to most parts of the UK over the next few days. We'll see maximum temperatures around ten degrees above normal for late September reaching 25 to 27 °C typically and possibly even nudging 28 °C on Saturday."
I do recomend that people look at some of my old news events as i am sure you will find very vital information of events that i alone seem to be the one covering.
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Skegness is Hotting up
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Skegness Beach September 2011 |
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People soaking up some extra sun rays on the south end of Skegness Beach |
As you may already know.. We seem to be having some extreme heat all over UK this week and are expected to hit Record Breaking temperatures for this time of year.
This can have drastic effects on our planet as Nature and wildlife are getting confused.
The doves are making nests ready to lay eggs as if they think its time.
Last year Baby Ducklings were running about when it was winter.
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Mother Duck and Ducklings |
People in Winthorpe are wondering where all the Ducks have Vanished.
They used to visit every day for food and company and would sit and rest most the day.
And now there is not a single Duck waddling about.
I do wonder if they have been killed and eaten or something.
Monday, 26 September 2011
Is Englands Sep/oct Heatwave good or Bad
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Skegness Beach |
It was just a short time ago when Gusts of hurricane katia's back lash gave UK a big kick up the back side and we have even had the cold winds from the northeast send cold breezes too all our trees and Nature.
In the past 7 days i have been staying in Nottingham and noticed the trees leaves change colour and fall and settle upon the ground.
Then Suddenly we hear that we are starting to see a rise in temperatures from now till into October
It is also said that UK will be Hotter than Hawaii
In the south of Britain, the hottest spot,was recorded of temperatures reaching 30C today and likely to top 32C (90F)
tomorrow,This would be noted as probably the hottest day of the year so far.
But here at Skegness! it will feel like Holiday season again this weekend.
I will make a Good effort to Get Pictures of this rare Summer sun with Autumn leaves on the beach and see how that turns out so please follow my blog and get to see them as soon as they are up.
I am sure this sun will offer us pleasure and a nice week.
But hold on ya hats! as we are about to have a bumpy ride when it comes to weather.
We have seen the signs in trees...The trees are bearing heavy fruits and so many more than normal.
And it is believed by many wise minds that this often is a sign that a strong winter is just around the corner.
And to stock up while the crops are plentiful and generous.
Last Winter we had a sample of what a Quartz Grotto would look like when the cold becomes a bit beyond normal.
In My 37 years of my life! This has never been seen by me or many people to whomever i asked.
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Ice quartz Grotto |
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Frozen Skegness |
While waiting on Burgh Road to Skegness! The local recorded temperature was -7.1 and this also was an un experienced event.
Together with the Solar Flares from the sun and our vulnerable place in our orbit, the chance of more storms and strange weathers are so much greater than normal and this could Cause obstacles of disruption.
Provoking ways and disrupting the ways of life we have all taken for Granted.
No human has really ever been trained to live in these conditions and this could lead to Lorries not being able to get fuel and deliver foods and Staff not being able to get to work! Disruption could cause massive problems getting money (if bank staff are obstructed).
There has been a roomer that its not wise to have money stuck in a Bank! In case we have a Digital meltdown of data! Some fear the E.M.P. (electronic magnetic pulse) from some flares may cause problems all over the world.
Please do not take my word for this and please make your own judgment.. But i myself know i must be careful too.
PLEASE FOLLOW MY BLOG ------------->
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Nuclear Chairman for UK "Thinks" they have control when it comes to safety
Lord Hutton: Chairman of the Nuclear Industry association
cant think of any other cost effective energy source.
He protects the claim that Nuclear power as being the only way forward regardless of its danger.
The risks that have already demonstrated itself at Fukushima in Japan.
The public 1st perspective when it comes to any power source is safety before anything else.cant think of any other cost effective energy source.
He protects the claim that Nuclear power as being the only way forward regardless of its danger.
The risks that have already demonstrated itself at Fukushima in Japan.
He also claims they have a appropriate safety system put in place that is of 50 years of safe reliance on Nuclear energy.
he quoted on the BBC news " I think certainly in the UK we have a good platform we can build, But i think! (while he blinks) Fukushima has changed the the the game" ( He stutters at the 3 times)
My perspective here: We have chairman trying assure us that he Thinks they have control and followed with some really strange blinking that do show a lot of stress and careful control over what he says. But he doesn't give us any assurance in his words in any way.
Another point Hutton quoted: "when it comes to coal and gas thousands of Miners die every year hying the coal that gets burned in the power stations, So any way you look at it when it comes to energy there are risks. There is no such thing as risk free energy sources. "
My perspective: The Lord Hutton claims that 1000s people die in pits all the time to get coal for power plants when we know that a death in the pit should not be compared when it comes to the risks. I do feel for all the miners that died but nuclear power is a huge risk to their children's children and that is far more important to protect.Also he said in above quote " There is no such thing as risk free energy sources" how can he say that when we already know that there is as plans for free clean energy are shared freely all over the Internet world. When people result to learning to live without power or even using solar and wind power and even Better Hydrogen power Generators in homes making power from water. The evidence of this is so great!
Lord Hutton also quoted: "I think what you have got to have is a proper debate and you got to be honest and transparent with public with you actually public ... i agree opinion counts.... this is not something the governments can go on their own and sort out.. they have to carry public opinion with them."
My perspective: In is last few words of the interview that i have just quoted he says that he agrees that public opinion counts. And my review is my opinion. But in them 50 years they have never been faced with risks such as what happened in Fukushima and have never had any disasters to even have any idea how to control it.
If there were ever a leak into our rivers that flow out to our seas, who knows what will happen then most smart countries have decided to scrap the use of using Nuclear Fuel even when Hutton makes great efforts to protect its uses.
If you would like to watch the interview that was recorded by BBC News CLICK HERE
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Britains Hurricane History: Looking Back
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National papers reports Katia |
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Path of Hurricane Katia |
Living here in England people are not even prepared for weather like this
as the last time uk was struck was 25 years ago in 1986 on August 20th through to the end of August.
I was indeed on holiday in Ingoldmels as a Child and remember the long scary nights as our Caravan was really moving! and the news showed that Hurricane Charlie had tipped over some caravans and even derailed trains.
My memory is still powerful of that holiday and i will never forget the hunting horrors of knowing we could get blown over.
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Photo of my family after Hurricane Charlie of 1986, i am the boy on the left in blue. |
In picture above we are about to leave to go back home just after storm had quietened down.
Bellow is a picture of hurricane Charlie
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Look at the size of it back in 1986
and if you look at the path it took then you can understand how it could happen again.
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Hurricane Charlies path 1986 |
I recommend that people lock away items that can be picked up and cause windows to break.
Such as Garden Furniture: Tables, Chairs, BBQs bikes light garden ornaments like solar lights ect..
(Even children's toys)
Don't let the wind have the last laugh!
Be prepared! and if your really like gambling! Don't risk the odds of staying in a caravan!
Even if Katia does calm down and go away! the risks of other hurricanes are a bit higher for a few years due to solar events and planetary orbits.
Bellow is a detailed report on Hurricane Charlie:
Hurricane Charley was the costliest tropical cyclone of the 1986 Atlantic hurricane season.[1] The third tropical storm and second hurricane of the season, Charley formed as a subtropical low
on August 13 along the Florida panhandle. After moving off the coast of
South Carolina, the system transitioned into a tropical cyclone and
intensified into a tropical storm on August 15. Charley later attained
hurricane status before moving across eastern North Carolina. It
gradually weakened over the north Atlantic Ocean before transitioning
into an extratropical cyclone
on August 20. Charley's remnants remained identifiable for over a week
until after crossing the British Isles and dissipating on August 30.
Please Comment about your memories of Charlie or any events unfold from Katia.
Please select follow to find out more as it happens.
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Haunted Robot
Here is some Skegnews from the past, About a haunted robot called Rovio. The report below is unedited but was written 5 years ago. A few...
UPDATE INFO 31-08-2011 It was said that the whole carriage smashed into the decking when it came down as a result of an exploding cog th...
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