We have been hit by a triple solar wind from our sun, the first wave destabilises our earths defences, and then comes a second wave, and a sudden increase of wild fires, and then the third, wave gets an easier ride down to our already relentless heated earth, then yet more Wild fires show.

This image above and below are just yesterday's images.

If you were to put a Nuclear power plant map next to a UBALERT map, you can see that there is a forest fire right next to a power plant, so let's just hope that the fire doesn't reach the reactors.

The map below was taken from UBALERT just moments before I wrote this blog. It showing even more new locations.

What really concerns me, is the wildlife and the impact of losing so many trees on our planet, Important rain forests that really help our climate.

This could be a major tipping point for our planet.
Easter Island once was a flushing forest thousands of years ago, Until man came and chopped all its trees down, many years later, the island became a treeless void and soil lost all its important nutrients, and there you have an idea what losing tree's can do.
Not to mention all the rare endangered animals at some these locations.
I am reporting this because these events effect us all, regardless of your location, As we all need to understand the way the world works and the climates important needs to help make the world thrive.