Greenfly madness along the east coast of England as their most common feast-er seems to have eluded us.
Where is the legendary bird
we call our lady! We invite thee to an all you can eat feast of walking sap guzzling fruit with wings. There are many shades of Greenfly because as it seems to be is the orangey to red they go the more mature they are. So when we see them landing on our arms and not being their native green colour! We know that there is something wrong. People are even seeing black ones.
We also are being overwhelmed by thunder bugs by the thousands.we call our lady! We invite thee to an all you can eat feast of walking sap guzzling fruit with wings. There are many shades of Greenfly because as it seems to be is the orangey to red they go the more mature they are. So when we see them landing on our arms and not being their native green colour! We know that there is something wrong. People are even seeing black ones.
As we normally expect the ladybirds to save the day! But to some strange reason they seem to not be making up the numbers. I did hear last year about a Ladybird from overseas that could be a threat to our ladybirds. These ladybirds are known to be cannibals and eat our traditional ladybirds.
And if they did that, then maybe that might be the reason for this unexpected result.
If ladybirds are not here to sort out this infestation then maybe the flies will be great food supplies for spiders resulting in even more strange results.
Visit the following headline for more on this threat:
Metro News paper 27/10/2009 Cannibal ladybirds are invading British homes
Now we maybe feeling the devastating blow and proof that things are not going to be the way we have ever known before. I am sorry to say! that i saw a possible cannibal Ladybird on the bus a few days ago! but did not think about it until now.
i will try keep you updated with what happens so bookmark this blog.
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