Ever since work as been undergone to change the look of Skegness for 2012.
People of the town have already talked of their worries over the humps,
I myself and many countless people have expressed that some body will have a serious accident on them Humps in the very near future.
My mother had noticed seeing kids playing on the humps with their bikes when she was on the passing local bus and she said something bad is going to happen.
Infact as soon as the eye saws were built the horror of our feelings came true.
Every inocent childs 1st thought is to run over the humps, They are on Holiday after all.
as i was resting on one of the seats i saw proof that was enough to show that children will play even with guidence from their elders.
I sat here and asked myself how long do i need to wait before i see people on the hump.
I was actually recording a video of the entrance, And when i panned to my left i saw these 2 bellow inocently having fun. We all loved walking along walls as a child, and here this woman assists her young one.
But if people are waiting for a train (Example Mother on mobile whilst children run over the hump for fun)
Children do the opposite to what parraents say,
Also "Do not" signs compell people to do the opposite
I would recommend wording like: We would be very greatful if people would not play on theses humps as we would like you all to have a safe and pleasent holiday.
I know that the cost of the Skegness train station welcome project was around 3 quarter of a million pounds.
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Skegness Humps |
It as been reported that a 14 year old boy fell victim to the 1st accident that people still feel more accidents will soon follow regarless of what signs are placed.
Bradley was riding his bike over the humps just before the laws of gravity and stone smashed his cheek bone resulting in the need for grueling surgery to insert a metal plate into his cheek.
Why did this have to happen before our carining opinions can be heard.
Atleast do some public research before forcing us to have to live around gaurenteed death traps.
Bradley should not have a single blame in any way, Its hard to say this, But he had to have his accident to prove what we already knew was going to happen.
I really do hope that Bradley makes a good recovery regardless and that he does carry on being 14 the way 14s should be. curious, adventurous, and playfull. Maybe he will be a safety co-ordinator some day,
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