It has been a week since a Sperm Whale was beached in Skegness and just down the coast to the north at Winthorpe on Sunday the beach was really hotting up with temperatures far above normal levels for this time of year.
On my mother living room thermometer it read 22" but the evening weather news reported temperature in Nottingham reached a staggering 19"

Even with these strange weathers and temperature rises and drops, creatures and nature seem really confused.
Its been a great day for building sand Castles, Not built by me, I noticed it starting to cast an evening shadow that began to sgrow longer over the sands.
Just forward of the castle towards the couple standing in distance there was this crazy find.
This poor baby Shark (Big Enough to bite off your: You know what) was found on Winthorpe Beach (Photo by Dean Bradford) (Me) On close inspection this relation to the shark family appears to resemble a Baby Leopard with its spotty smooth body and white underbelly made this creature follow common shark traits.
If you see anything strange along the coast then i would be grateful to add your input my blog..
Also a huge number of five sided star fish appeared to litter the shore for what seems miles.
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