You may have watched Under the dome where a small town gets trapped under a dome, Together with some crazy nut jobs to fend for themselves.
You may have watched Between and notice this time the people are trapped in their town because of a high level quarantine zone over watched by high level protective defense as anybody over the age of 22 erupts blood and dies.
UNDER THE DOME They have their fare share of thugs and people who want to play as the law, Killings and bad decisions because of panic of running out of food and resources turns every body into survival maniacs.
Again everybody has to survive but this time Children who have no parents have to rely on themselves as there are no elders to cook them their dinners, Also we have thugs thugs and prisoners followed by local group rivals who decide the only way to survive is to make sure you shoot first and ask no questions.
The mysterious supernatural events in this series revolves around a mysterious egg and Butterflies that bite and a girl who traveled from the past and keeps the viewers wondering what will happen next. Season 3 has just unraveled and still they are keeping the viewers thinking.
The mysterious events so far in this series is how the targets are based on their age, And even though the military cant work out how the threat is spread, they just chose to let the people just fend for themselves. I have a strange feeling the events maybe demonic or a secret government project using experiment gene controlled executions and this town just happens to be a test site. With all the towns elders gone! the young ones spend most their minds over surviving and maybe they are just too immature for their own good.
This is just a great series taken from the wonderful mind of Stephen King who also had Stephen Spielberg to be part of the production, So we can expect plenty of mind trips to where and how this show will play out. I will keep watching this show for sure. i rate it 8/10 because for me personally i find a lot of this series predictable though most people will just drop their jaws with surprise.
BETWEEN (My Verdict)
This series is still early days for me to really judge or rate, But i think the whole message in this series is...Can the youths of today really survive without their parents around? This series is really one of them WHAT IF examples, I will continue watching this series just to see how the town copes. so right now i can only rate this ?/10 please subscribe to my blog for more reviews
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