Saturday, 12 December 2009

Early Nights

This is the strangest time of year!
A time of confusion wilderness's and despair.
When the time turns 12 noon
Therese one thing i know! is that it will be Dark soon.
Only 4 hours till sun sets and Mr Frosty comes out
Only 4 hours till the Christmas lights come on and the shoppers are all about.
Skegness town doesn't seem so busy as it should for a late night Christmas shopping.
where people get the last of there needful needy items.
Getting the festive minced pies and maybe some corn for popping.
There are still some great shops in Skegness for Christmas shopping
The place that was once Woolworth's is definitely worth a drop in.
Also the shop beside the coop in the shopping centre.
With bargain's Galore
with Bargain's to adore.
Gifts and boardgames chocolate and sweets.
Spices and chutneys and souls for ya feet's.
Simply enjoy the moment as you are destined to make friends Christmases that's a really good one.

Friday, 11 December 2009

Band From Carbooting for being Nice

Helenka Gulshan is the sweetest loved local of Skegness.
She offers respect and kindness to all see meets.
Also known as a writer she still needs to make ends meet like we all do.
So she does a little Car booting too.
During the start of the Car boot season at Lilly whites football club i was walking by Helenka's layout when suddenly a sent of Nag Champa drawn me over!
Just so i could enjoy the sent a bit longer i looked down over her pile of silks scarves as if i was drawn to her by destiny itself.
And then onwards our friendship was wonderful.
After the lillywhites stopped doing car boot on their football Field they moved to a Field more down burgh road near the petrol station.
Suddenly Helenka armed with only a suitcase of items had to drag further to get to the car boot.
The hefty price for a stall was so very high! for only a suitcase of items.
Helenka was offered a join up with a friend on the site.
But the ground people didn't like this and band her from car booting here and at lillywhites for life.
Car booting is a social part of peoples lives too! Its not all about money.
If any of the people who live on the side streets going to the car boot can offer her a spot in your garden. Then she will be able to offer her power of enlightenment to all her friends again.
I used to go to car boot just to see Helenka as i guess many other people did too.
If anybody wants to buy Helenkas book let me know and i will get you a signed copy direct from herself.
One note from me! I wont respect a football club that does not respect its local people.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

We have a chance to survive 2012

We will survive because we have will.
We care, and we will not give it up so likely as life is about enjoying it while we are here.
A very big event is about to unfold with humanity that is almost like a big test.
For many years this world has known about the the events building up to 2012.
Its a science fact that we are entering apart of space that make us extremely vulnerable solar flares from the sun. Every 3.500 years this event occurs and can cause many problems on this planet. In the 50s earth had a solar flare but then we was not as vulnerable as what we will be facing. These days we depend on electric to live and work, also we need it to help us stay cool when it gets hot.
An electronic magnetic pulse wiping out our power could create massive problems.
Including loss of data and financial problems will be caused.
for many years i have been hoping that some how we will make it past 2012 and live on.
I heard some news about our sun today. The sun compared to 2001 and today has changed a lot. our sun has quiet down and gone calm! This is a great surprise to me! The news say it could create an ice age. I suddenly said wow! that sun needs to stay calm! if this sun stays calm till 2016 we have a chance to live happily ever after!
This is so amazing for me to find this information.
It makes me feel more better that this planet may have a chance to redeem itself.
We are being given a Second chance is a very very big deal indeed.
Its like the sun is calming itself down to help protect us until the danger of our galactic path as past us.
Now our only other threat is Viruses, flu's and biological disasters.
lets all be on the ball and lets all not fight, but work together to survive and the human race!
Nano science will fix our planet! given the chance! Man kind will be Kind!

Click Here for a BBC radio broadcast about the sun

Saturday, 11 April 2009

I got a bad virus

Hello i am back online now at last. To start with i was welcomed by the worse virus on my computer ever. It prevented my PC from booting up because the virus removed a vital file needed to ensure that the computer boots up. I had to use a friends windows disc to get back on.
Not only has this virus taken that file. its obvious that the virus has removed other vital files responsible for my Drag and double click. i cant even go START/ALL PROGRAMS! no list of programs show up at all when mouse is moved over or clicked. even after using virus software to take out virus i am still left with the damage that it has left behind.

Monday, 23 February 2009

Now and whats to come

I have been off line for some time now. Sorry i have not been updating you with whats been happening here in Skegness.
I am logged in the Skegness Library on Roman Bank as it is Free to log on.
Many things have gone off since my last report.

The Square Peg pub opposite the Embassy Theatre burned down in 2008 also our Favorite high street shop Woolworths closed down.
Its not going to be the same again with them gone. I have known of Woolworths since i have been alive.
Seeing other stores close left right and centre is only the beginning of a downward path to a horrid future.
Its a sad thing but as we all choose to buy online to save money in these hard times, in the process the street stores will lose profit.

I will talk more about this in the very near future.
The future is Gloomy! its like a nightmare that we cant ever wake from.
with strange weathers and fights for survival will really put us all to the test.

Haunted Robot

Here is some Skegnews from the past, About a haunted robot called Rovio. The report below is unedited but was written 5 years ago. A few...