Friday 11 December 2009

Band From Carbooting for being Nice

Helenka Gulshan is the sweetest loved local of Skegness.
She offers respect and kindness to all see meets.
Also known as a writer she still needs to make ends meet like we all do.
So she does a little Car booting too.
During the start of the Car boot season at Lilly whites football club i was walking by Helenka's layout when suddenly a sent of Nag Champa drawn me over!
Just so i could enjoy the sent a bit longer i looked down over her pile of silks scarves as if i was drawn to her by destiny itself.
And then onwards our friendship was wonderful.
After the lillywhites stopped doing car boot on their football Field they moved to a Field more down burgh road near the petrol station.
Suddenly Helenka armed with only a suitcase of items had to drag further to get to the car boot.
The hefty price for a stall was so very high! for only a suitcase of items.
Helenka was offered a join up with a friend on the site.
But the ground people didn't like this and band her from car booting here and at lillywhites for life.
Car booting is a social part of peoples lives too! Its not all about money.
If any of the people who live on the side streets going to the car boot can offer her a spot in your garden. Then she will be able to offer her power of enlightenment to all her friends again.
I used to go to car boot just to see Helenka as i guess many other people did too.
If anybody wants to buy Helenkas book let me know and i will get you a signed copy direct from herself.
One note from me! I wont respect a football club that does not respect its local people.

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