Saturday 13 March 2010

Flesh eating Parasite 2010

It was brought to attention this week that a man in Skegness was faced with worst life threatening moment! when a flesh easting parasite munched through his left arm. Surgeons where really on a ticking clock to prevent the parasite from reaching vital organs. It was only when they placed knife in his arm to cut that the parasite blisters where seen to chace the knife. This would seem like a living nightmares to both this man and the Doctors.

Now few Days later and what has happened to prevent this happening again. Maybe the lifeforms that breakdown the compost may have mutated into a rare flesh eating breed.

How come we never got told about creatures like this! I live in Skegness! Being eaten alive like that would be the most painful way to die.

I recommend good insect replant when ya come on holidays here this year!

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Haunted Robot

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