Wednesday 28 September 2011

Skegness is Hotting up

Skegness Beach September 2011

People soaking up some extra sun rays on the south end of Skegness Beach
As you may already know.. We seem to be having some extreme heat all over UK this week and are expected to hit Record Breaking temperatures for this time of year.
This can have drastic effects on our planet as Nature and wildlife are getting confused.
The doves are making nests ready to lay eggs as if they think its time.
Last year Baby Ducklings were running about when it was winter.
Mother Duck and Ducklings

People in Winthorpe are wondering where all the Ducks have Vanished. 
They used to visit every day for food and company and would sit and rest most the day.
And now there is not a single Duck waddling about.
I do wonder if they have been killed and eaten or something.

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Haunted Robot

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